Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Tim: 안녕하세요 여러분, Tim here and…
Debbie: 안녕하세요 여러분, Debbie here! Thanks again for being here with us for All About lesson 15 - our last All About lesson! Tim, what are we going to talk about today?
Tim: Hmm… before talking about today’s topic, I have some questions for you.
Debbie: Sure,
Tim: Do you have favorite Korean foods?
Debbie: Of course…
Tim: Okay, do you have favorite Korean movies?
Debbie: Yes…
Tim: Okay, do you have a favorite type of Korean music?
Debbie: Yes, I do.
Tim: Okay, last question. Do you have any favorite Korean phrases?
Debbie: Like…?
Tim: Like… I often say “화이팅” to people when they need some encouragement.
Debbie: Ah-ha... favorite phrases. Could that be today’s topic…?
Tim: Yes, today’s topic is “All About” our top 5 favorite phrases from each of us.
Debbie: “Top 5 favorite phrases!” “Interesting!” I would really like to know what yours are.
Tim: Me too!
Debbie: Okay. Then let’s begin – top 5 favorite phrases from Tim and Debbie.
(sound effect)
Debbie: Today we are going to talk about our top 5 “Favorite Phrases”. Tim, why don’t you go first? What’s your #5 on your list?
Tim: 하하~~ Okay, at #5 on my list is 화이팅.
Debbie: Meaning “good luck” or “keep it up”…and is used to cheer someone on…
Tim: Yes, I often say 화이팅 in order to cheer people on. I sometimes say “화이팅” to myself for motivation.
Debbie: 하하! Really? Like…?
Tim: Like this…팀, 화이팅~~! - “Tim, keep it up!”
Debbie: Ah! Well that's good for self-motivation!
Tim: Okay, what’s #5 on your favorite Korean phrase list, Debbie?
Debbie: My #5 favorite Korean phrase is 고맙습니다.
Tim: Meaning, “thank you” or “I appreciate it”…
Debbie: Yes, I often say 고맙습니다 “thank you”.
Tim: Yes, Debbie is so nice and kind. I mean it!
Debbie: Oh…well thank you Tim! - 고맙습니다 팀!
Tim: See? You often say 고맙습니다 “thank you!”We also have to say 고맙습니다 “thank you” to our listeners, right Debbie?
Debbie: Yes…
Tim and Debbie: 고맙습니다 여러분!
Debbie: “Thank you everybody!”
Debbie: Okay. What’s #4 on your list, Tim?
Tim: Number 4 is 방가, 방가.
Debbie: 하하! I like it, too. Meaning, “hello hello” in a very casual and friendly manner.
Tim: Yes, 방가 방가 came from 반갑습니다 “nice to meet you”. However, I like 방가 방가 better.
Debbie: Tim, why don’t you greet our listeners by saying 방가 방가?
Tim: That’s a great idea! Here I go, 방가 방가 여러분, 팀 입니다! “Hello. Hello, everyone, this is Tim!”
Debbie: That sounds so friendly!
Tim: Really? 고맙습니다. Okay, what’s yours?
Debbie: Hmm…. Number four on the list is… 좋아 좋아.
Tim: Meaning, “It’s good” or “I like it”.
Debbie: Yes, I often say 좋아 좋아 “It’s good. I like it.”, whenever I agree with someone or something.
Tim: Hmm…. “Agreeing with someone…?” Debbie, let’s have lunch together after this recording?
Debbie: 좋아 좋아! “That’s a good idea”.
Tim: Lunch is on me!
Debbie: 너무 좋아 좋아 “Sounds really good!”
Tim: But.. don’t we have to say something before we eat?
Debbie: “Say something?”(눈치를 채며 reading Tim’s mind) Ah-ha!
Tim: Yes, that’s third on my list – 잘 먹겠습니다.
Debbie: I knew it! Meaning, “Thanks for the meal”.
Tim: Yes, Many Korean people often say this phrase before eating.
Debbie: By the way Tim…?
Tim: Yes?
Debbie: Who are they thanking?
Tim: Good question! Basically, their parents, the farmers, ancestors, and even to God.
Debbie: I see… so it’s like “a general thanks” to everyone before eating.
Tim: Debbie, see what I have for you here?
Debbie: Wow! Korean snacks! Are they for me?
Tim: Yes. They are for you.
Debbie: Okay. 잘 먹겠습니다!“Thanks for the snacks!”
Tim: Okay, let’s talk about the number three phrase on your list.
Debbie: Okay, number three is 잘 지냈어?
Tim: Ah! 잘 지냈어? Meaning, “How have you been?”
Debbie: Yes! This phrase is very useful and practical for many listeners.
Tim: I agree. So, let’s say that I haven’t seen you in awhile. And I just met you here…Then, I would say, 어, 데비 잘 지냈어? – “Oh Debbie, how have you been?”
Debbie: Then, I would respond, 어, 잘 지냈어 – “Yes, I have been well.” 너는 잘 지냈어? – “How about you, how have you been?”
Tim: 어, 나도 잘 지냈어 – “Yes, I have been well, too”. This expression is very useful and practical! 고맙습니다. 데비! - “Thank you, Debbie!”
(continuing from the sentence, 고맙습니다, 데비 “Thank you, Debbie.”)
Debbie: Oh, "you’re very welcome, Tim!"
Tim: Oh- you just said my second favorite Korean phrase – 천만에 or 천만에요.
Debbie: Meaning, “You’re very welcome!” So, 천만에 is informal and 천만에요 is formal, right Tim?
Tim: Yes, so…between friends, like you and me, we would say, 고마워 데비 - “Thank you, Debbie.”
Debbie: 천만에 팀 - “You’re very welcome, Tim.”
Tim: But, between strangers or someone older than you, it goes like… (목소리 변화 voice being changed) 고맙습니다 데비씨 – “Thank you, Debbie.”
Debbie: 천만에요 팀씨 (voice being changed as well) – “You’re very welcome, Tim.”
Tim: Debbie, what’s your second favorite phrase?
Debbie: My #2 favorite phrase is 걱정마세요.
Tim: Meaning, “Don’t worry”. Examples, Debbie?
Debbie: Okay. Tim, pretend that you are worried about learning a new language.
Tim: Okay, “휴…Learning a new language is so hard! "So difficult!”
Debbie: 걱정마세요 팀씨 – “Don’t worry, Tim.” "Practice makes perfect!"
Tim: “Practice makes perfect!?” I’ve heard that phrase!
Debbie: Yes, 걱정마세요 - “Don’t worry”. As long as you don't quit, you will learn it sooner or later!
Tim: 고맙습니다, 데비씨! – “Thank you, Debbie!”I feel better now! Okay, now let’s take a look at Tim and Debbie’s #1 favorite phrase.
Debbie: Tim’s #1 favorite phrase is…?
Tim: 두두두… 당연하지.
Debbie: 하하! Meaning, “Of course!” Can you say it again?
Tim: 당. 연. 하. 지 – 당연하지 - “Of course!” Examples, Debbie?
Debbie: Tim, our listeners are so smart!
Tim: 당연하지 – “Of course, they are!”
Debbie: Tim, Learning Korean is so much fun!
Tim: 당연하지 – “Of course, it is!” Okay, this time, I’ll say something, and Debbie, you respond to me by saying, 당연하지 - “Of course.”
Debbie: Okay.
Tim: 팀은 너무 재밌어 – “Tim is so funny!”
Debbie: 당..연…하…지 – “Of course, Tim is.”
Tim: 팀은 너무 멋있어 – “Tim is so cool!”
Debbie: 당….연…. “No, I can’t say it!”
Tim: 하하! Okay, what’s your number one favorite phrase?
Debbie: My top #1 favorite Korean phrase is…
Tim: 두두두…
Debbie: 맞아요.
Tim: Meaning, “That’s right!” Learning Korean is NOT THAT difficult right, Debbie?
Debbie: 맞아요 – “That’s right!" It's a lot of fun! Okay, that’s all for today’s lesson. Let’s quickly recap today’s lesson.
Debbie: Today’s lesson is “All About” top 5 favorite phrases from Tim and me. Our top #5 are…
Tim: 화이팅 “good luck”and 고맙습니다 “thank you” And our top #4 are…
Debbie: 방가 방가 “hello hello” and 좋아 좋아 "I like it” And our top #3 are…
Tim: 잘 먹겠습니다 “thank you for the meal” and 잘 지냈어? “how have you been?” And our top #2 are…
Debbie: 천만에요 “you’re welcome” and 걱정마세요 “don’t worry” And our top #1 favorite phrases…
Tim: 당연하지 “of course” and 맞아요 “that’s right”. That' all! “Thank you, Debbie” 고맙습니다 데비씨.
Debbie: “You’re very welcome, Tim.” 천만에요 팀씨.
Debbie: Thanks for listening, everyone! That’s gonna do it for this All About series. See you again!
Tim: 들어주셔서 감사합니다. See you again!

