Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Tim: 안녕하세요, KoreanClass101.com 여러분, Tim here.
Debbie: 안녕하세요, 여러분! Debbie Here! Thanks again for being here with us for this All About lesson. Tim, what do you have for us today?
Tim: Hmm, well, let me ask you something first, Debbie.
Debbie: Sure, what is it?
Tim: Do you like school?
Debbie: Yeah, sure. Why do you ask?
Tim: Is what you learn in the classroom useful for daily conversation?
Debbie: Hmm…well, sometimes, but not all the time… But what we learn in the classroom is very important and fundamental.
Tim: Yes, I agree. But sometimes, don't you feel like you want to learn something more? More interesting, funny, useful?
Debbie: Yes, but... wait! Is that today’s topic?
Tim: Yes, today’s topic is “All About top 5 phrases you won’t learn in the Korean Classroom”.
Debbie: “Top 5 phrases we won’t learn in the Classroom!"Sounds great!
Tim: Yes! Let’s begin!
Debbie: Today we are going to learn about the top 5 phrases you won’t learn in the classroom. Tim, what’s the Top #5?
Tim: (no answer and being silent)
Debbie: Tim? Number five is?
Tim: Where's the drumroll? Like 두두두…
Debbie: Hmm...okay, I'll do that for the number one phrase. Until then - I'll leave that to you! So, number five?
Tim: 두두두… “뻥이야!” (bbeong-i-ya).
Debbie: 하하. I haven’t heard that expression in years! Can you say it one more time, please?
Tim: Sure, “뻥이야!”
Debbie: Meaning, “It’s a joke” or “I am kidding!” Tim, don’t you think you are too old for that phrase?
Tim: 하하. You are right! I am “way too old” for that phrase. Who would normally use that phrase then?
Debbie: Hmm…Kindergarten or elementary students?
Tim: Yes. But even people in their 20s and 30s use that phrase for fun with close friends. I might say it to my friends as a joke.
Debbie: 하하. For example?
Tim: Hmm… let me think... Okay, “Debbie, you're so smart!’
Debbie: Oh, really? Thank y--
Tim: 뻥이야!“I am joking!"
Debbie: Haha, very funny. Listeners, as Tim mentioned earlier, it can only be used between close friends. Keep in mind that it’s NOT for everyone.
Debbie: Okay Tim, what is number four?
Tim: 두두두…“강추” (gang-chu) or “강추야” (gang-chu-ya).
Debbie: Can you say it one by one?
Tim: 강추
Debbie: Meaning "It is highly recommended!"
Tim: 강추야!
Debbie: Meaning “I highly recommend it!” Tim, yesterday I went to a Korean restaurant and the food was EXCELLENT! It’s 강추! "I highly recommend it!" You have to check it out!
Tim: Good example! How about this, last weekend I saw a movie, and it was so~~ great. It’s 강추! You should watch it too!
Debbie: Good one! Our lessons are 강추 too “highly recommendable” for many listeners, right?
Tim: Yes, our lessons are 강추!
Debbie: Okay, what is number three?
Tim: 두두두…. “안습이다” (an-seup-ida).
Debbie: Meaning, “It brings tears to my eyes!” In what situation would we use that phrase?
Tim: Hmm…when you are feeling ashamed or moved by something or someone.
Debbie: Can you give us examples?
Tim: Let’s say that I'm hungry, and don't have any food or money. In that situation, I can say to myself, “안습이다".
Debbie: Ah. How about a situation where someone just lost their wallet! Can I say “안습이다” for that situation?
Tim: Yes! Any situation that brings tears to your eyes. You can say it to yourself, to someone, or to the situation “안습이다”
Debbie: Okay, got it!
Okay, what is number two?
Tim: 두두두… “장난 아니다!” (Jang-nan a-nida)!
Debbie: Meaning, “it’s no joke”, “it’s seriously bad” or “it’s seriously awesome!” Tim, can you say it naturally again?
Tim: “와~~ 장난 아니다!” (Wa~~ Jang-nan a-nida) “Wow! It’s no joke!”
Debbie: 하하. The way you say it is so authentic! So, basically… In any situation that makes you impressed or amazed, you can say that phrase – 와! 장난아니다! “Wow! It’s no joke!” right?
Tim: Yes! It’s commonly used to express “admiration”.
Debbie: And finally, number one is…, 두두두….
Tim: 하하! "Thank you Debbie~~ “짱이야!”
Debbie: Meaning, “it’s the best!” or “it’s so COOL!” Tim, can I say, “you are 짱이야!”?
Tim: REALLY? “Am I the best?” Thank you so much! Debbie, you are also 짱이야! “You are also the best!”
Debbie: 하하! It’s a very versatile expression…Tim, how about our listeners?
Tim: OF COURSE, our listeners are "짱이야!" – “You guys are awesome!”
Debbie: Okay. It’s time to recap the top 5 phrases that you won’t learn in a classroom.
Number five is?
Tim: 뻥이야 meaning, “it’s a joke”, “I am kidding”. Number 4 is?
Debbie: 강추야 meaning, “I highly recommend it.” Number 3 is?
Tim: 안습이다 meaning, “it brings tears to my eyes.” Number 2 is?
Debbie: 장난 아니야 meaning, “it’s no joke!” …and lastly, number 1 is?
Tim: 짱이야 meaning, “it’s the best!” Okay! That’s all for today’s lesson!
Debbie: Thanks for listening, everyone! See you next time!
Tim: 들어주셔서 감사합니다. Thank you for listening!

