Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi everyone, I am Jaehwi. In this video, you will see Top 15 questions You Should Know. Okay let’s look at the questions!
1. 몇 살이세요? (Myeot sariseyo?) how old are you? 
So it’s very common to ask someone’s age in Korea. So don’t be surprised if someone whom you just met for the first time asks you this question 몇 살이세요? (Myeot sariseyo?) 스무살이에요. So you can basically say number and say ~살이에요 but if you don’t want to answer the question, you can say 몰라도 되요, it is okay if you don’t know. 

2. 뭐라고 했어요? (Mworago haesseoyo?) What did you say? 
There are two cases. Let’s see the first one *mumbling*뭐라고 했어요? (Mworago haesseoyo?)You didn’t understand what the other people say, so you can just simply say 뭐라고 했어요? (Mworago haesseoyo?) to ask what did you say but there is another case. Let’s see 옷이 그게 뭐에요. 별로 예쁘지도 않고.뭐라고 했어요? (Mworago haesseoyo?) This case you know, someone was talking something bad about you. So you are upset. Then you can say, what did you say? 뭐라고 했어요? (Mworago haesseoyo?) To start your fight.

3. 생일이 언제예요? (Saengiri eonjeyeyo?) when is your birthday?
So it’s not so common to ask someone’s birthday and Korean people are very good at remembering someone’s birthday and celebrating for them. For example, 생일이 언제예요? (Saengiri eonjeyeyo?)5월 3일이에요. sometimes people will say 음력 5월3일이에요. or 음력 means lunar calendar because some people have the birthday in the lunar calendar and not the solar calendar. In that case, their date of birthday will be changed every year.

4. 어디 출신이세요? (Eodi chulsiniseyo?) where are you from? 
So in that case, if you are from the US, you can say 미국 출신이에요. or you can just simply say, 미국 사람이에요. I am American or 프랑스 사람이에요. I am French. 어디 출신이세요? Eodi chulsiniseyo? 미국 출신이에요. Or something like that.

5. 어디에 사십니까? (Eodie sasimnikka?) Where do you live? 
So if someone asks you 어디에 사십니까? (Eodie sasimnikka?) 신촌에 살아요.. So they said like where do you live and the other said I live in Sinchon. So you can simply say ~에 살아요. to say that you live in the specific area. I love where I used to live which is Seodaemun the center of the city. 

6. 어디에서 일해요? (Eodieseo ilhaeyo?) Where do you work? 
Even though you met someone for the first one, you might be asked you know 어디에서 일해요? 무슨 회사에서 일해요? where do you work, which company do you work and sometimes plus you might hear 연봉이 얼마에요? what is your annual salary, how much do you make for every year or something like that. So be ready for that.

7. 어떻게 지내세요? (Eotteoke jinaeseyo?) How are you?
So if you haven’t seen someone for a long time, you can ask something like 어떻게 지내세요? (Eotteoke jinaeseyo?) how are you? Usually the common answers will be 아, 잘 지내요. I am doing well. 그냥요. so so…or if you want to be really honest, you can say 잘 못지내요. I am not doing well. 

8. 이거 뭐예요? (Igeo mwoyeyo?) What’s this? 
I might also ask you 이거 뭐예요? (Igeo mwoyeyo?) like when I am invited to a dinner, then if I see something that I haven’t tried yet in my life, then I can just simply say 이거 뭐예요? (Igeo mwoyeyo?) what’s this? And you can just simply say 이거(Igeo) something, something ~이에요. like이거 이탈리아 음식이에요.. This is Italian food or something like that. Or what’s this? 이거 뭐예요? (Igeo mwoyeyo?) What do you think it is 이거 뭐예요? (Igeo mwoyeyo?) 

9. 이름이 뭐예요? (ireumi mwoyeyo?) What’s your name? 
You can simply just give your full name or just first name if someone asks you 이름이 뭐예요? (ireumi mwoyeyo?) what’s your name? For example if someone asks me 이름이 뭐예요? (ireumi mwoyeyo?) then I will say 이재휘입니다. using my full name. So it’s kind of sounding rude if you just give your first name only actually but if you have to name in English or name in non-Korean words, I think that’s okay to also give you only the first name because it’s easier to remember. 

10. 전화 번호가 뭐예요? (Jeonhwa beonhoga mwoeyo?) What’s your phone number? 
That might be a little bit more personal question. We might ask someone’s ID of some messenger program 카카오톡 or line but we usually don’t ask someone’s telephone number but if you ask because for official purpose or something like that, then you can just give the you know number with the area code 전화 번호가 뭐예요? 

11. 한국 음식을 좋아합니까? (Hanguk eumsigeul joahamnikka?) Do you like Korean food? 
Yeah that will be one of the common questions that you hear if you are not Korean. For sure, you have to say (05:12네, 좋아합니다. yes I like you even though you don’t like some part of like you don’t like spicy ones. In general, I recommend you to say 네, 좋아합니다. I like it but if you want to be really honest, you can say 별로요 or 아니요, 별로 안좋아합니다. no I don’t like it.

12. 한국어를 공부한 지 얼마나 됐어요? (Hangugeoreul gongbuhan ji eolmana dwaeseoyo?) 
How long have you been studying Korean? So in that case, you can just give how many months, how many years you have been studying Korean. For example, if it is for 1 year, you can say 일년이요 three yearsb삼년이요 or if you just started, you can say 얼마 안됐어요 it has not been that long or 최근이요 recently. So let me ask you 한국어를 공부한 지 얼마나 됐어요? (Hangugeoreul gongbuhan ji eolmana dwaeseoyo?) 아, 힘내세요

13. 한국어를 어디서 배웠습니 까? (Hangugeoreul eodiseo baewotseumnikka?) where did you learn Korean?
 If you get this question, that means that your Korean is really good. When people are very impressed with your Korean, they will just ask you where you learned it. 한국어를 어디서 배웠습니 까? (Hangugeoreul eodiseo baewotseumnikka?) So you can just give the answer, for example 어학원에서 배웠어요. I learned it from a language school 어학원 is the word for a language school or you can say 혼자서 배웠어요 I studied alone. So let me ask other question. 한국어를 어디서 배웠습니 까? (Hangugeoreul eodiseo baewotseumnikka?) 아, 코리언클래스101이요? 감사합니다 

14. 한국에 가본 적이 있습니까? (Hanguge gabon jeogi itseumnikka?) Have you been to South Korea? 
So if you are not living in Seoul but if someone thought that like you are very interested in Korean culture and language, they will ask you this question 한국에 가본 적이 있습니까? (Hanguge gabon jeogi itseumnikka?) have you been to South Korea? If you have, you can say 네, 있습니다. yes I have or you can say 아니요, 없습니다. no I haven’t. 

15. 화장실은 어디에 있습니까? (Hwajangsireun eodie isseumnikka?) Where is the bathroom? 
So 화장실 (Hwajangsir)is the word meaning bathroom. So you can actually ask anything with this question pattern. For example, 슈퍼마켓은 어디에 있습니까? where is the supermarket and 지하철은 어디에 있습니까? meaning where is the service station.
Okay that’s all top 15 questions you should know in Korean. I hope you like it. Make sure to subscribe. I will see you next time 다음 시간에 뵙겠습니다. 안녕히 계세요.

