Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi everyone, I am Jaehwi. In this video, we have Top 25 Korean Adjectives.

1. 조용하다 (joyonghada) Quiet. 
So you can say, 이 방은 조용하다. this room is quiet. So if someone is making a lot of sounds like I am doing now, you can say 조용히 해 be quiet. 

2. 같다 (gatda) same. 
So for example, if your eye vision is the same, you can say 이쪽 눈 시력과 이쪽 눈 시력은 같다. 

3. 시끄럽다 (sikkeureopda) loud, noisy.
So if your neighbor is making a lot of sounds, you can just call them *boom boom boom* hit the door and say 시끄러 it’s too noisy or 이 음악은 너무 시끄럽다. this music is so noisy. Well, for example if you are on the bus and people just keep talking *blahblahblah* then you can say to them 아, 이 버스는 너무 시끄러워. this bus is so noisy. 

4. 귀엽다 (guiyeopda) cute, cute. 
In Korea, we have something like 뿌잉뿌잉. So if you find someone who is very cute, you can just say 아, 정말 귀여워요. you are so cute.

5. 다르다 (dareuda) Different. 
And when you are fighting with your friend in Korean, sometimes you might want to say that 나는 너와 달라. which means I am different from you. 

6. 크다 (keuda) Big, large. 
Usually we use 크다 (keuda) when talking about the size. For example, 아, 방이 크다. wow, this room is big but also we use it when we talk about the height. For example 아, 그사람은 키가 크다. that person is tall but it literally means that person’s height is big. 

7. 많다 (manta) Many. 
So if you just put this after a noun, that means that there are many of something. For example, you can say 우리집에는 개가 많다. which means there are many dogs in my house.

8. 좋다 (jota) good. 
When you love someone, you can use the verb something like 사랑하다 but it sounds too direct. So Korean people usually use 좋아하다 to mean love too, even though it literally means to like. You can use 좋다 (jota) to mean good in general. Like for example 저는 단 음식이 좋아요. I like sweet food 뭐가 좋아요? what do you like?

9. 행복하다 (haengbokada) happy. 
So this adjective have the noun 행복 which means happiness. So you can say something like 저는 행복한 사람이 되고 싶어요. which means I want to be a happy person. About me, I think I can say 매운 음식은 저를 행복하게 합니다. which means spicy food makes me happy. 

10. 기쁘다 (gippeuda) Glad. 
So I want to say that 여러분이 이 비디오 레슨을 보고있어서 저도 기뻐요. which means I am glad that you are watching this video.

11. 화나다 (hwanada) angry.
 Grrrr and then I just hear some music and run away… Yeah 화가 났어요? Are you angry like you know when you see someone who looks serious, who look angry, you can just ask 화가 났어요?

12. 슬프다 (seulpeuda) sad. 
So this adjective 슬프다 (seulpeuda) can be used with other nouns, something like 슬픈영화 sad movie 16슬픈드라마 sad drama 슬픈노래 sad song. 

13. 아프다 (apeuda) sick. 
So when you feel sick, you can simply say 몸이 아파요. 

14. 피곤하다 (pigonhada) tired. 
After you work a lot, you got home and then you can say 아, 피곤해 I feel tired. And when you see your friend looking tired, you can just simply ask 피곤해? or formally 피곤해요? to ask are you tired. 

15. 배가 고프다 (baega gopeuda) Hungry. 
When I feel hungry, I feel sad, I feel angry, I feel miserable at the same time. In that case, I can say 배가 고파서 화가납니다. I feel angry because I feel hungry. So when I feel hungry and plus when I feel tired plus when I feel stressful, I will always go for spicy food 매운 음식. And when you want to ask someone to go out for dinner, you can just say 배고파? Are you hungry?

16. 목이 마르다 (mogi mareuda) thirsty. 
And it literally means I have a dry throat. You feel thirsty and you can say 목이 말라서 죽을 것 같아. I feel like dying because I feel thirsty. 

17. 졸리다 (jollida) Sleepy 
34너무 많이 먹어서 졸려요. I ate a lot, so I am sleepy or you can say that 졸려요. 이제 잘께요. I am sleepy, I am going to bed. 

18. 무섭다 (museopda) scared. 
So when you have someone who is very like strict yelling at you all the time, you can say that 저는 그사람이 무서워요. I am scared of that person. If you like Korean movie, then you can find a lot of scary movies like 올드보이 the character of the movie 올드보이 is the scariest character I’ve ever seen because he waited for 10 years to give to revenge which is long time. So when I was watching the movie, I was like *scared face*

19. 짜증나다 (jjajeungnada) annoyed. 
You might hear many Korean people say 아, 짜증나. It’s so annoying.

20. 놀라다 (nollada) surprised. 
When you are surprised, you can say 아, 놀랐어 I am surprised and then when you are surprised really a lot, then you can use the adverb 깜짝 to say 깜짝 놀라다 which means I surprised a lot. 

21. 수줍다 (sujupda) Shy. 
We have some phrases like 수줍어서 이야기를 잘 못했어요. I couldn’t talk that much because I feel shy. 

22. 재미있다 (jaemiitda) Interesting. 
재미 (jaemi)means fun, 있다(itda) means there is. So it literally means there is a fun. 

23. 지루하다 (jiruhada) Boring.
The meaning is the same as 재미없다 (jaemieopda) both 재미없다 (jaemieopda)지루하다 (jiruhada) mean boring (06:10그 영화는 정말 지루해. that movie is really boring.

24. 헷갈리다 (hesgal lida) Confused. So when you are confused, you can just say that 아, 헷갈려 like you are not sure like if A is A, if A is B or if A is C. Then you can say 아, 헷갈려 I am confused. 헷갈려요, 조금 더 자세히 얘기해주세요. I am confused, please tell me more about it. 

25. 멋지다 (meosjida) Cool. So when you see something cool, you can say that 와 멋지다. wow, that’s cool or about a person, you can say that 아 저사람 멋지다. wow that person is cool. 

Okay that’s all top 25 Korean adjectives that we have for this video. Make sure to subscribe and I will see you next time 다음 시간에 뵙겠습니다. 안녕히 계세요(떡볶이).

