
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Keith: A Little of 'This' and 'That' in Korean. Keith here! I'm joined in the studio by...
Misun: Hello, everyone. Misun이에요.
Keith: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to…
Misun: Ask what something is.. like, 이거 뭐예요?
Keith: And this conversation takes place…
Misun: At a restaurant.
Keith: The conversation is between…
Misun: A daughter and her dad.
Keith: Okay. And the daughter will be speaking formal Korean.
Misun: Of course, 존댓말이요.
Keith: And the father will be speaking informal Korean.
Misun: 반말이요.
Keith: Let's listen to the conversation.
Misun: 네.

Lesson conversation

딸 아빠.. 이거 뭐예요?
아빠 이거? 햄버거야.
딸 아빠.. 이거 뭐예요?
아빠 이거? 감자튀김이야.
딸 아빠.. 이거 뭐예요?
아빠 이거? 맥주야.
딸 음...맛있겠다.
English Host: One more time with the English.
딸 아빠.. 이거 뭐예요?
Keith: Dad, what's this?
아빠 이거? 햄버거야.
Keith: This? A hamburger.
딸 아빠.. 이거 뭐예요?
Keith: Dad, what's this?
아빠 이거? 감자튀김이야.
Keith: This? French fries.
딸 아빠.. 이거 뭐예요?
Keith: Dad, what's this?
아빠 이거? 맥주야.
Keith: This? Beer.
딸 음...맛있겠다.
Keith: Looks good.
Keith: Misun, this conversation takes place at a fastfood restaurant.
Misun: You can imagine.
Keith: Yeah. Well, I can imagine this conversation taking place at some restaurant in the country side with lots of crazy Korean food.
Misun: Oh yes...I think when people think of Korean food, there's 갈비, 비빔밥, 불고기...
Keith: Right. That’s all the good food. But there's some crazy Korean food out there. And you don't necessarily have to go to the country side.
Misun: Like 번데기!
Keith: Right. And those are silkworms. I’ve never had it, but what's it taste like? Taste like silkworms?
Misun: That’s true. I have a couple of times but, you know, I don’t really like it. But sometimes, it’s, like, served with a noodle stuff, then I could eat but…
Keith: Makes it better?
Misun: I mean…I’m not quite sure, but it taste like more chewy and juicy sometimes. You know…
Keith: It’s almost…
Misun: Like, the appearance looks ugly.
Keith: Yeah. It’s still the silkworm.
Misun: Gross. But the taste is fine.
Keith: Okay. Well, what else is there?
Misun: There's also 산낙지.
Keith: That’s live octopus. You know, why are Korean people so crazy? I don’t get it. Live octopus.
Misun: I’m not quite sure. I never had like a live octopus. I do have some just octopus but it’s kind of like very squirms and it’s…
Keith: I had it once…
Misun: In your mouth.
Keith: Well, I didn’t have the live one in my mouth, but I had one that was live and then they cut it up while it was living. And it’s still moving after it’s cut off. But it’s hard to get in your mouth because, like, the suction cups are like…
Misun: Right.
Keith: Sticking to your teeth and stuff.
Misun: Oh. I can’t eat that. I can’t.
Keith: Well, enough talk about this crazy food. Let’s move onto our vocabulary.
Keith: The first word we have is…
Misun: 아빠 [natural native speed]
Keith: Dad.
Misun: 아빠 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 아빠 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 이거 [natural native speed].
Keith: This.
Misun: 이거 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 이거 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 뭐예요? [natural native speed].
Keith: What is it? What?
Misun: 뭐예요? [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 뭐예요? [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 햄버거 [natural native speed]
Keith: Hamburger.
Misun: 햄버거 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 햄버거 [natural native speed].
Keith: After that…
Misun: 감자 튀김 [natural native speed]
Keith: French fries.
Misun: 감자 튀김 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 감자 튀김 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 맥주 [natural native speed]
Keith: Beer.
Misun: 맥주 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 맥주 [natural native speed].
Keith: And finally…
Misun: 맛있겠다 [natural native speed]
Keith: Looks delicious, looks good.
Misun: 맛있겠다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 맛있겠다 [natural native speed]
Keith: All right. Well, let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases.
Misun: The first word we’ll look at is 이거.
Keith: This.
Misun: This is pretty straight forward, but we want to go over some related words.
Keith: Like the word for "that".
Misun: 저거.
Keith: And there's one more right?
Misun: Yes. 그거.
Keith: And that one also means "that", but it's referring to things you can't see.
Misun: 네 맞아요.
Keith: And I'm sure our listeners have noticed...
Misun: That all three of these end in 거?
Keith: Right! So for the words “this,” “that,” and the other "that", they all end in 거.
Misun: 이거, 저거, 그거.
Keith: Exactly.
Misun: Okay. Let’s move onto our next word, 맛있겠다.
Keith: Looks delicious, or looks good.
Misun: 맛/있/겠/다
Keith: And of course, you can use this if you're looking at some delicious-looking food.
Misun: Yup. So if you're in a bakery, and you see a bunch of cakes and they all look good, you can say 맛있겠다.
Keith: Exactly. So you can use this when someone is cooking for you, and you have the food in front of you.
Misun: Yes. And if it looks good you can say this phrase.
Keith: Misun, Korean food always looks good, so I think our listeners will be saying 맛있겠다 pretty often.
Misun: 네 맞아요. You know, my friends also, they kept saying like 맛있겠다 whenever I offer some kind of Korean food.
Keith: Hmm.
Misun: Yeah. I taught them.
Keith: Good job.
Misun: 맛있겠다. Yeah. Or they actually say 맛있어요. after eating.
Keith. Well, 맛있어요. that means “It is delicious. So after you’ve taken a bite, you can say 맛있어요.
Misun: 네 맛있어요.
Keith: All right. Well, let’s move onto the focus of this lesson.
Misun: Sure.

Lesson focus

Keith: The focus of this lesson is the phrase...
Misun: 이거 뭐예요?
Keith: This phrase literally means "What is this?"
Misun: Yes. The first part of the phrase is 이거 (igeo)
Keith: Which means, "this."
Misun: The second part of the phrase is the question word 뭐 (mwo).
Keith: And that word means what. Immediately after 뭐, what is there?
Misun: It's 예요.
Keith: And this is a conjugated form of the copula, 이다 which is basically the verb "to be."
Misun: So altogether, the phrase once again is "이거 뭐예요?”
Keith: Literally, that means "this" "what" "is" but this phrase is translated as "what is this?"
Misun: Exactly.
Keith: And Misun, what politeness level is this phrase in?
Misun: It’s same, I guess. 이거 뭐예요? is the most common form, and the standard politeness level.
Keith: Right. It's polite, yet conversational.
Misun: 네. There's more politeness levels, but please check the lesson notes for the list.
Keith: Okay, Misun, this phrase only came out “how” in the conversation?
Misun: The daughter asked, 아빠.. 이거 뭐예요?
Keith: "Dad,. what is this?"
Misun: And of course our listeners can use this with their Korean friends.
Keith: But they shouldn’t say “dad”, though.
Misun: No. 친구.
Keith: All right. So you can ask what something is. What if you want to ask how to say something in Korean?
Misun: In that case, you can ask, 이거 한국말로 뭐예요?
Keith: “What is this in Korean?” Misun, can we have that one more time slowly?
Misun: Sure. 이거 한국말로 뭐예요?
Keith: That should be very useful to our listeners. Let's wrap up this lesson with a few sample sentences.
Misun: 네. How about the same phrase, 이거 뭐예요 in informal Korean?
Keith: Sure. How do we say "What is this" in informal Korean? 반말?
Misun: 이거 뭐야?
Keith: And again, that's informal Korean. "What is this?"
Misun: 저거 뭐야? But please be sure to use this only with close friends.
Keith: Right. Well, we know how to ask about "this"... how do we ask what "That is?"
Misun: 저거 뭐예요?
Keith: "What is that?". That’s polite Korean.
Misun: 네. Or in informal Korean, 저거 뭐야?
Keith: And again, please be sure to use this only with close friends.


Keith: All right. Well, that just about does it for today. Bye-bye, everyone!
Misun: 안녕하세요 여러분 (Annyeonghaseyo yeoreobun).


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