
Vocabulary (Review)

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Keith: We Don't Have Anything Warm for the Korean Winter. Thanks for being here with us for this lesson. Misun, what are we looking at in this lesson?
Misun: In this lesson, we are looking at shopping for clothes.
Keith: Okay. And this conversation takes place where?
Misun: At a department store.
Keith: Okay. And the conversation is between…
Misun: A customer and a worker.
Keith: And the speakers are strangers, therefore the speakers will be speaking in formal Korean.
Misun: 네, 존댓말 (ne, jondaenmal)
Keith: Well, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

손님 목도리 있어요?
직원 없어요.
손님 장갑 있어요?
직원 없어요.
손님 겨울 모자 있어요?
직원 손님... 여기 하와이입니다.
Keith: One more time, slowly.
손님 목도리 있어요?
직원 없어요.
손님 장갑 있어요?
직원 없어요.
손님 겨울 모자 있어요?
직원 손님... 여기 하와이입니다.
Keith: One more time with the English.
손님 목도리 있어요?
Keith: Do you have scarves?
직원 없어요.
Keith: No, we don't.
손님 장갑 있어요?
Keith: Do you have gloves?
직원 없어요.
Keith: No, we don't.
손님 겨울 모자 있어요?
Keith: Do you have winter hats?
직원 손님... 여기 하와이입니다.
Keith: Miss, this is Hawaii.
Misun: Hawaii, wow. 너무 좋겠어요.
Keith: Yeah, I would love to be in Hawaii. But this person is asking for some winter clothes. Maybe she thinks this is Korea. Misun, what's winter in Korea like?
Misun: 너무 추워요! It’s really, really freezing out there in Korea.
Keith: It’s super cold.
Misun: I know. You know, when I was very young, I always shivered with cold all the time. I don’t know why. I’ve been layered and layered but it didn’t help.
Keith: Well, you know, I’m from New York, and New York can get pretty cold, too, but like Korea, no way, man. I don’t know what it is. I think it’s the mountains. There’s tons and tons of mountains in Korea, so air gets really pushed down, I guess, to…
Misun: Maybe.
Keith: …to the city sometimes, I guess.
Misun: Yeah, that explains it.
Keith: But also, I feel like when we’re in Korea, the wind is kind of like…
Misun: Stabbing.
Keith: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Really, very funny.
Misun: Right.
Keith: It is. The air…I mean, temperature-wise, it might not be that different from other places, but the air feels different there.
Misun: Right, right.
Keith: I don’t know what it is, though.
Misun: That’s true. And we also have lots of snow in winter.
Keith: Yeah. There’s definitely a lot of snow too. But what do you think about the cleaning system? I guess…does the Korean government do a good job of cleaning up the snow?
Misun: Well, not that I know out.
Keith: Yeah, that’s correct, too. So if it snows, there’s going to be a lot of snow on the street. I mean…
Misun: Right.
Keith: Not cleaned up that much.
Misun: Not really. Maybe some of the, like, mountain area that they should do it, but not in the urban environment.
Keith: Yeah.
Misun: Yeah.
Keith: I guess Korea is a great place to go if you’re a winter lover.
Misun: Sure. Sure. Lovely. Yeah.
Keith: All right. Well, talking about this is making me too cold, so let’s move onto the vocabulary.
Misun: Sure.
Keith: The first word we’re going to take a look at is…
Misun: 목도리 [natural native speed]
Keith: Scarf
Misun: 목도리 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 목도리 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next.
Misun: 장갑 [natural native speed].
Keith: Gloves.
Misun: 장갑 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 장갑 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next?
Misun: 겨울 [natural native speed]
Keith: Winter.
Misun: 겨울 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 겨울 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next?
Misun: 모자 [natural native speed].
Keith: Hat.
Misun: 모자 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 모자 [natural native speed].
Keith: After that…
Misun: 손님 [natural native speed]
Keith: Customer, guest.
Misun: 손님 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 손님 [natural native speed].
Keith: And finally…
Misun: 하와이 [natural native speed].
Keith: Hawaii.
Misun: 하와이 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 하와이 [natural native speed].
Keith: All right. Well, let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Misun: The first word/phrase we’ll look at is 목도리.
Keith: And that’s a scarf.
Misun: 목/도/리 - 목도리
Keith: Okay, and this is pretty straight forward. It’s a scarf.
Misun: Yes, but a lot of times, Korean people will also call it a muffler.
Keith: Right. What's the Korean pronunciation for that?
Misun: 머/플/러. 머플러.
Keith: Or you know what, you can actually just say 스카프!
Misun: 그러네요. That's right.
Keith: So what are the three ways we can say scarf in Korean?
Misun: 목도리, 스카프, and 머플러.
Keith: Misun, which one do you hear more?
Misun: I hear more often either 목도리 or 스카프.
Keith: Really? I actually hear 머플러 more often.
Misun: Really?
Keith: I think what is, it’s older Korean people would say머플러 and the Korean that I know is from my parent’s generation, I guess.
Misun: Right.
Keith: So…
Misun: Or maybe, like, female just goes with the scarf much often and 머플러 goes to with the man’s scarf.
Keith: Really?
Misun: Yeah.
Keith: I don’t know, but…
Misun: I don’t know. You know, it’s really no really distinguishable, but somehow I got that kind of definition.
Keith: Well, in any case, all three of those are pretty much the same thing in Korean.
Misun: Right.
Keith: They all means scarf. All right, what’s our next word?
Misun: Our next word is 손님.
Keith: Customer.
Misun: 손/님. 손님. It can also mean a guest as well.
Keith: Yeah. So if you're coming over my house for dinner, I would call you a 손님.
Misun: 네. Not directly to your guest!
Keith: Right, but when I'm referring to dinner at my house, I would say, “I'm having guests at my house.”
Misun: 오늘 손님이 와요.
Keith: Yeah. And I wouldn't directly call you 손님. Directly, I would call you 미선 씨, maybe even 미선 누나 ^^
Misun: Okay. Now all the listeners know I’m older than Keith. Great job, Keith.
Keith: Not that much older. But when I'm talking about you to other people, you would be a 손님.
Misun: But if you go to a store, and you're a customer, people would call you 손님 directly.
Keith: Right. Like in this conversation!
Misun: 네. The worker said 손님... 여기 하와이입니다.
Keith: “Customer, this is Hawaii.” Since they don't know what to call you, they'll directly call you 손님.
Misun: Okay. Well Keith, let's take a look at our grammar.
Keith: 좋아요.

Lesson focus

Misun: The focus of this lesson is 없다 (eopta)
Keith: Okay, so 없다 (eoptda) is the verb that expresses "to not exist."
Misun: Don't confuse this with the negative Korean copula 아니다 (anida),
Keith: Right. That word means "to not be."
Misun: 없다 is used to express absence, or lack of possession.
Keith: Misun, that’s too much grammar! Come one!
Misun: Okay. Oops, sorry.
Keith: Well in this lesson, 없다 (eoptda) is used to express the lack of possession, meaning, I don't have.
Misun: For example, 목도리 없어요.
Keith: I don't have a scarf.
Misun: If you noticed, the object comes first.
Keith: Yup. And then the verb 없다.
Misun: But of course, you don't need an object if you know what you guys are talking about.
Keith: Okay. For example?
Misun: If you're at a store, and you're asking for some gum.
Keith: Okay, and if you ask for gum, everyone knows you’re talking about. You’re talking about gum.
Misun: So instead of gum 검 없어요, you can drop gum 검 and just to say 없어요.
Keith: And that means we don’t have it. Okay. So let's go over 없다, which is the dictionary form.
Misun: 네. In conversational Korean, you should say 없어요
Keith: And if we were talking with our close friends, how do we say that casually?
Misun: Just drop 요 at the end. You can say 없어.
Keith: Okay. Can we have some examples?
Misun: Sure. 핸드폰 없어요.
Keith: I don't have a cell phone.
Misun: 돈이 없어요.
Keith: I don't have money.
Misun: So just remember. The object is in front
Keith: And the verb 없다 comes at the end.
Misun: Or you can just say 없어요 if everyone knows what you're talking about, all right?


Keith: All right. Well, that’s just about does it for today.
Misun: Okay. Bye, 안녕히 계세요.


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