
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Keith: Let's Find Things to Do in Korea! Keith here! And, of course, I'm joined in the studio by the hungry Misun.
Misun: Hey!
Keith: You still have a lot of energy for being hungry, though.
Misun: And still different from being hungry and having energy.
Keith: Okay. All right. Well, we’ll take the energy, hopefully we’ll get some food. In this lesson, you will learn how to make suggestions.
Misun: 네. Using 자 , as in 먹자!
Keith: Let’s eat. Okay. And this conversation takes place at…
Misun: Someone’s home.
Keith: Okay. And the conversation is between…
Misun: Two friends who are very bored.
Keith: Yeah. The speakers are friends, so they’ll be speaking informal Korean.
Misun: 네. 반말이요.
Keith: Let’s listen in to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

혜련 우리 배드민턴 하자.
우진 음… 싫어. 싸이월드 하자.
혜련 싫어. 텔레비전 보자.
우진 아… 우리 심심하다.
English Host: One more time, with the English.
혜련 우리 배드민턴 하자.
Keith: Let's play badminton.
우진 음… 싫어. 싸이월드 하자.
Keith: Hmm...I don't want to. Let's go on Cyworld.
혜련 싫어. 텔레비전 보자.
Keith: I don't want to. Let's watch TV.
우진 아… 우리 심심하다.
Keith: Ah...we're bored.
Misun: Keith do you have Cyworld?
Keith: No, I do not. How about you?
Misun: Actually, I have at some point.
Keith: You forgot the username and password.
Misun: I totally forgot it. Because I opened it up because my nephew and niece want to talk with me.
Keith: They want to hangout.
Misun: Right.
Keith: Online.
Misun: So I opened it, like, years ago, and then they didn’t do anything.
Keith: So they told you to make an account and…
Misun: Right.
Keith: “We’ll hang-out online,” and you never talked to them.
Misun: I mean, they never talked to me.
Keith: Oh, you talked to them but they never talked to you.
Misun: That’s right. That’s right.
Keith: Well, what do you do on that website anyway? What do you on Cyworld?
Misun: Well you upload pictures, write about what you're doing, look at other friends and see how they're doing.
Keith: Wait a minute...
Misun: So a lot of stuff.
Keith: Wait a minute, that sounds really familiar. Aren't you talking about Facebook?
Misun: No! But it’s really similar. Yeah. That is Cyworld! It’s actually Korean website.
Keith: Right.
Misun: And it was there before Facebook even started!
Keith: Right. It's the original Social Networking site, at least in Korea.
Misun: Yeah, that’s right 맞아요. I mean, Korean people are so smart, right? People use it to connect with friends.
Keith: Yeah. But one reason I don't have a Cyworld account is because I don't have a 주민등록번호, which is a Korean registration number, like a social security number kind of thing.
Misun: Oh. Right. That’s right. That’s right. Yes. It is only for Korean citizens, unfortunately, and also for people who live in Korea.
Keith: Yeah. It's kind of like a social security number. Everyone has one.
Misun: Right. And if you go to a Korean website and want to register yourself for an username, you most likely need this.
Keith: Yeah. And this is not just Cyworld, this is for most sites, most Korean sites. If you want to register, you most likely need a 주민등록번호 which means a Korean registration number. So, if you don’t have a number, it’s kind of difficult to get yourself registered for these sites.
Misun: Exactly. But recently, a lot of Korean websites are allowing people without these numbers to register.
Keith: Yeah. Usually they'll ask you to send a copy of your passport or something. Essentially, what they want to do is they want to make sure that each person only has one name on their website, one name for one person.
Misun: Exactly. You can't create multiple accounts because you only have one registration number.
Keith: Exactly. But, you know, recently, you can start sending in copies of your passports. So if you have fake passport, maybe you can get a number of accounts if you want.
Misun: Do you have a fake?
Keith: No. That’s the thing. It’s a lot of work. You got to copy your passport, fax it over or something.
Misun: Right.
Keith: So it’s kind of annoying to get started.
Misun: Yeah, that’s true.
Keith: Well, let's take a look at the vocab for this lesson. The first word is…
Misun: 우리 [natural native speed]
Keith: We, us, our.
Misun: 우리 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 우리 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Misun: 배드민턴 [natural native speed].
Keith: Badminton.
Misun: 배드민턴 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 배드민턴 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Misun: 하자 [natural native speed]
Keith: Let's do (dictionary form 하다)
Misun: 하자 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 하자 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 싸이월드 [natural native speed]
Keith: Cyworld (Korean social networking website)
Misun: 싸이월드 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 싸이월드 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next.
Misun: 텔레비전 [natural native speed]
Keith: Television.
Misun: 텔레비전 [slowly - broken down by syllable].텔레비전 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Misun: 싫어 [natural native speed]
Keith: Don't want to (dictionary form 싫다).
Misun: 싫어 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 싫어 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next is…
Misun: 심심하다 [natural native speed]
Keith: To be bored.
Misun: 심심하다 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 심심하다 [natural native speed].
Keith: All right well, let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Misun: Sure! The first word we’ll look at is.... 싫어.
Keith: I don't want to. Okay, how do you come out in this conversation?
Misun: Well after making a suggestion... 우리 배드민턴 하자....
Keith: Let’s play badminton...
Misun: The response was... 싫어.
Keith: I don't want to.
Misun: So you can use싫어for when you don't want to do something.
Keith: Right. For example, if I suggest we eat hamburgers... 우리 햄버거 먹자.
Misun: 너무 좋아.
Keith: She wants to eat. Yeah
Minsun: But right
Keith: But if you don’t want to eat….
Misun: And if I don't want to eat, I can reply with 싫어.
Keith: But you have to be a little careful because, you know what, this word is actually pretty strong.
Misun: 네, 맞아요. It's really direct. It's saying "No."
Keith: And to be so direct in Korean, it’s actually pretty impolite. So be sure to use this only with close friends and family.
Misun: Sure. The polite version is 싫어요. But since this is not too polite anyway, you shouldn't use this very often.
Keith: Yeah. If we wanted to politely refuse, what can we say?
Misun: You can say 아니에요 or 괜찮아요.
Keith: To refuse politely. All right. Let’s move onto our next word.
Misun: Okay! Our next word is 심심하다.
Keith: “I’m bored,” or in this conversation, “we're bored.”
Misun: Yeah, but this is different from "boring."
Keith: Yeah. If a movie is boring, you wouldn't say 심심하다 because that's boring.
Misun: Yeah. 심심하다 is used for when you have nothing to do.
Keith: For example, Sunday afternoon, it's raining, can't go out, TV's broken, Internet's not working, no books to read...
Misun: Oh, my god, that’s so unlucky. Then you become bored! you have nothing to do, right?
Keith: Right.
Misun: Then you can say 심심하다.
Keith: Exactly. So you’re referring to yourself being bored. But really quickly, what if we wanted to say something is boring? For example, a book, it’s not that interesting. It’s boring.
Misun: Right. In that case, we use 심심하다 In that case, we can say 재미없어. So a book is not interesting, or boring means 이 책 재미없어.
Keith: This book is boring. One more time, what's the boring when you’re referring to something else?
Misun: 재미없어.
Keith: Well, let’s move onto the focus of this lesson.

Lesson focus

Misun: The focus of this lesson is making suggestions
Keith: And what we're talking about is using 자.
Misun: Right, 맞아요. It's a sentence ending used to invite someone to do something together.
Keith: Yup. It's translated as "let's do something"
Misun: Right. And just to be clear -자 (-ja) is only used with the intimate politeness level.
Keith: Right, so you have to make sure you use it only with people with whom you are on intimate terms with it, people who you are closed with.
Misun: Yeah. Let's take a look at how it's constructed.
Keith: Okay. To use this, simply take the verb stem of a verb and add -자 (ja) at the end of it.
Misun: 예. But since this is absolute beginner, we won't go over the construction; we'll just go over a few common examples.
Keith: Sure. I think that will be more useful. How about, “Let's eat?”
Misun: That would be 먹자!
Keith: Okay. So if I was suggesting 갈비. Let’s eat 갈비?
Misun: Yummy. You can say 갈비 먹자!
Keith: All right. And how about playing sports?
Misun: The verb for playing sports is 하다. So if you're making a suggestion, you would use 하자.
Keith: So if I wanted to suggest playing soccer?
Misun: 축구 하자
Keith: Okay, “let's play soccer.” The word for soccer is 축구.
Misun: 네. Next, we'll go over watching something.
Keith: Yeah, that’s pretty useful when you’re bored.
Misun: Sure.
Misun: So, for example, watching a movie.
Misun: 영화 보자.
Keith: The suggestion there is 보자, to see.
Misun: 네. And the word for movie is 영화.
Keith: So what about TV?
Misun: The word for TV is 텔레비전. So you can say 텔레비전 보자.
Keith: “Let's watch television.” And finally, how about, “let's go?”
Misun: That would 가자
Keith: And all of these examples should be very useful for all of our listeners.
Misun: Sure. 맞아요.
Keith: Let's take a look at how it came out in this conversation.
Misun: First was the suggestion. 우리 배드민턴 하자.
Keith: “Let's play badminton.”
Misun: Next was 싸이월드 하자.
Keith: Let's go on Cyworld.
Misun: And finally there was 텔레비전 보자.
Keith: Let's watch TV.
Misun: And remember listeners, this is in the intimate politeness level.
Keith: Exactly, so you have to be very careful. Only use this with close friends and family.
Misun: 네. Well, I think we're finished, right?
Keith: Yeah, I think so, too. Great job!
Misun: Oh, I don’t want to be finished.
Keith: Well, I think a good way to end this is to make a suggestion. How about we’d go? 가자.
Misun: Okay. 그래! 가자!


Keith: Well, that just about does it for today. Bye-bye!
Misun: 안녕히 계세요, 여러분 감사합니다.


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