
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Keith: Haven't Been to Korea in a Long Time! Keith here!
Misun: I'm here, Misun. And thank you again for being here with us for this Absolute Beginner Season 1 lesson.
Keith: Misun, you are absolutely pumped, and that’s great, because in this lesson, what are we going to learn about?
Misun: 감사합니다, First. We are going to learn how to greet an old friend.
Keith: Okay. And this conversation takes place where?
Misun: On the street.
Keith: And the conversation is between…
Misun: Jerry and Yoshin.
Keith: And the speakers are friends, but they're not too close.
Misun: Yeah. So they will be speaking formal Korean, 존댓말.
Keith: Let's listen to today’s dialogue.

Lesson conversation

효진 제리 씨! 오랜만이에요!
제리 효진 씨! 오랜만이에요!
효진 반가워요. 잘 지내셨어요?
제리 네! 효진씨 잘 지내셨어요?
효진 아니요...
제리 아…
English Host: One more time, with the English.
효진 제리 씨! 오랜만이에요!
Keith: Jerry! It's been a long time!
제리 효진 씨! 오랜만이에요!
Keith: Hyojin! It's been a long time!
효진 반가워요. 잘 지내셨어요?
Keith: It's good to see you. Have you been good?
제리 네! 효진씨 잘 지내셨어요?
Keith: Yes! Hyojin, have you been good?
효진 아니요...
Keith: No...
제리 아…
Keith: Oh.
Keith: Misun, if this happened to me, usually, I would be so happy to see my old friend, I'd give a nice big hug!
Misun: That’s right. But in Korea, hugs aren't so common. We might get a half-frozen hug, like…
Keith: Yeah, it's a bit unrequited love, but hugging in Korea is reserved for special people right?
Misun: That’s right. Exactly, like boyfriends, girlfriends, children and parents or grandparents. Something like that.
Keith: Family most of the time, and lovers. But what about friends?
Misun: Well, usually if they're close, close friends, they might hug. And also, like, with the same gender, but hugging between friends isn't as common as it is in America.
Keith: Well, you know, let me give you a story. About maybe 10 years ago, I met this great friend of mine and we just kept in touch by email. And finally, I got to see her again after maybe about five, six years. I was like, “It’s so good to see.” 오랜만이에요. and then give her a nice big hug and she just kind of tap me on my back.
Misun: Well, it’s kind of weird, like, a different gender can hug in Korea.
Keith: It’s not very common.
Misun: Even if they’re friends, but we don’t really do it that way.
Keith: All right. So do you have any experiences like that? Or you know better not to hug.
Misun: I know that. I know not to hug.
Keith: All right. So what do you suggest our listeners if they see a friend they haven't seen in a while? No hugging?
Misun: No hugging, but shaking hands or…what? With a big smile.
Keith: Big smile.
Misun: Yeah.
Keith: Shaking hands, and maybe a little bow.
Misun: Somehow. Right, right.
Keith: Yeah. Okay.
Misun: Yeah.
Keith: Well, let’s move onto our vocabulary. The first word we have is…
Misun: 오랜만이에요 [natural native speed]
Keith: It's been a long time.
Misun: 오랜만이에요 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 오랜만이에요 [natural native speed]
Keith: Next.
Misun: 씨 [natural native speed]
Keith: Mr. / Mrs./ Ms.
Misun: 씨 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 씨 [natural native speed].
Keith: Next is…
Misun: 반가워요. [natural native speed]
Keith: It's good to see you.
Misun: 반가워요. [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 반가워요. [natural native speed]
Keith: Next…
Misun: 잘 지내셨어요? [natural native speed]
Keith: Have you been good?
Misun: 잘 지내셨어요? [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 잘 지내셨어요? [natural native speed].
Keith: Next…
Misun: 아니요 [natural native speed]
Keith: No.
Misun: 아니요 [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 아니요 [natural native speed].
Keith: Okay. Well, let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases.
Misun: The first word we’ll look at is 씨.
Keith: And this is Mr. or Miss.
Misun: This is used to be polite, just like Mr or Ms is in English.
Keith: Right, but you usually use this with given names, with your first names, not family names, your last names.
Misun: Exactly. For example, my name is…absolutely, you know that, right? 미선. And my family name is Choi which calls 최 in Korean sound. So since Misun is my first name, my given name, you should say Misun 미선 씨.
Keith: You wouldn’t say 최 씨, which a lot of people may be used to because of English, right? You say, Miss Choi, but not in Korean.
Misun: No, no. And if you’ll use it with last names, it can be considered rude.
Keith: Right. But oddly enough, if you're a foreigner, sometimes Korean people might call you by your last name, like 존슨(Johnson)씨 or something like that.
Misun: Yea I think this is because Korean people are trying to be accommodating to other people's cultures.
Keith: Yeah. So they might think calling you by your last name is polite in America or Europe or something.
Misun: But in Korea, it's definitely the first name.
Keith: Exactly. So I guess when it comes to foreigners things, get pretty confusing sometimes, huh?
Misun: I think so, you know.. one of my friends, she’s American, she also get confused, like, by calling other people’s names, especially like Korean names, like, “How do I call it?” Just Kim is fine or Heobak is fine.
Keith: Let me tell you, it’s the first name, right, 미선씨?
Misun: 네 맞아요.
Keith: Well, what's our next word?
Misun: Next is word is 아니요.
Keith: And that word means, “no.”
Misun: This comes from the verb 아니다, which means “to not be.”
Keith: Right, it's basically no. But we want to go over this word really quickly for our absolute beginners.
Misun: 네. If you're asked a question, and you want to answer "no", you can say 아니요.
Keith: And if you want to say yes?
Misun: You can say 네.
Keith: And of course both of these are polite. What about if you're with really close friends, or someone you're really comfortable with?
Misun: To say 'no' you can say... 아니. You just drop 요 at the end.
Keith: And to say "yes"?
Misun: You can say, 응.
Keith: Okay. And how about we move onto the focus of this lesson?
Misun: 아니요.
Keith: No?
Misun: 아니요.Just kidding. 네.
Keith: All right.

Lesson focus

Misun: The focus of this lesson is phrases used when seeing someone for the first time in a long time.
Keith: Right. When you run into someone onto the street or if you haven’t seen them in a while.
Misun: So we'll go over a couple of phrases you can use.
Keith: Sure. What’s the first one?
Misun: The first one is 오랜만이에요.
Keith: "It's been a long time."
Misun: You use this phrase when you're seeing someone for the first time in a long time.
Keith: Yup. Literally this phrase means, “long time, it's been.”
Misun:네. 오랜만이에요. But you use it for "it's been a long time" or "long time no see."
Keith: But a great thing about this phrase is, you can use this phrase for situations other than meeting someone in a long time.
Misun: 예. ea. Like, if you haven't done in a long time.
Keith: So, for example, eating a certain food in a long time, or going to a certain place in a long time.
Misun: Yes. But the purpose of this lesson…let's focus on meeting someone in a long time, okay?
Keith: All right. So let's say we run in to each other on the street after 20 years, and I say, 미선 씨!!! 안녕하세요!... Misun! Hello!
Misun: Wow, 20 years. Then I have to say, “Keith 씨! 오랜만이에요!”
Keith: “It's been a long time.” Just like in English. Okay. What's our next phrase?
Misun: Our next phrase is... 반가워요.
Keith: "It's good to see you."
Misun: This is a conjugated form of the verb 반갑다.
Keith: And that verb is roughly translated as, "to be happy to see."
Misun: 네. It's often used when seeing someone for the first time in a long time.
Keith: Which is good, because that’s the purpose of this lesson!
Misun: So if you haven't seen someone in a long time, and you're so happy to see them, you can just say, 반가워요!
Keith: Yes. It's good to see you.
Misun: This phrase is also used in first-time meeting, too.
Keith: Yeah. When you meet someone for the first time, you can usually hear this phrase.
Misun: But when you're meeting someone for the first time, you can usually hear it in the formal politeness level, 반갑습니다.
Keith: And when you use it for meeting someone for the first time, it’s usually translated as "it's nice to meet you."
Misun: But even if you're seeing someone again in a long time, you can use this phrase. 반갑습니다 or 반가워요.
Keith: Exactly. And Misun, really quickly, what's the intimate politeness level? How do we say it informally?
Misun: Between friends, that would be 반가워.
Keith: And use that with your close friends. Let’s move onto our last phrase.
Misun: Okay, 좋아요. Our last phrase is, 잘 지내셨어요?
Keith: "Have you been good?" or "how have you been?"
Misun: Literally, this phrase means, "have you passed time well?"
Keith: Right. But in this sense it's basically asking how you've been.
Misun: But this phrase is pretty commonly used.
Keith: Yeah. Even if it's not a friend, and you don't feel comfortable saying the other two phrases...
Misun: 오랜만이에요 and 반가워요.
Keith: Right. If you don’t know them well enough to say, “Hey, it’s been a long time,” you can still use 잘 지내셨어요 right?
Misun: 네.
Keith: So you can use this with people you don’t know very well.
Misun: For example, I run into my aunt that I haven't seen in a while, I can ask, 잘 지내셨어요?
Keith: And just like in English, you're asking if they've been good.
Misun: And there's a few conjugations you can check out in this lesson’s lesson notes.
Keith: Don't forget to check it out!


Keith: Okay. Well, that just about does it for today. Bye!
Misun: Bye! 안녕히 계세요.


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